link to beyond tomorrow
If you'd like to link to Beyond Tomorrow, feel freeI hereby
officially give you permission. If you like, you can send me email
letting me know about it.
I've been asked to provide a link graphic for people who want the link
to look snazzy. Well, I did a nice big one, and also a smaller one,
and you're welcome to use either one if you like. There's one set for
pages with light backgrounds, and another for
pages with dark backgrounds. (Matching
the graphic to your page color helps it look better.)
I've even provided sample HTML code for
youjust cut and paste.
design and aesthetics
(also known as pet peeves)
Hi, I'm Larry Hastings.
I did the entire web site design myself, according to my tastes. And as long
as I'm running the site, you can be sure of a few things:
- Text-browser friendly. In fact, compatible with most browsers.
- Sparing use of graphics, to save on download time.
Probably never any background graphics.
- No frames, no counters, no JavaScript, no background music,
and especially no banner ads. None of those irritating
little button ads either ("Get Browser X NOW!"). I'll put
one of those up when Netscape puts a "Go to Beyond Tomorrow NOW!"
ad on their homepage.
- Hopefully no spelling or grammatical mistakes.
- No
tags. I'd die first.
the name of the site
In case you missed it, Beyond Tomorrow was the closing track
on Stan's 1991 release Partyball. It was an excellent track,
and I think it's an excellent, futuristic name for a web site.
But there's another reason I picked it. Somewhere, off in a dusty
closet somewhere, in a folder with
the Newspapers autograph,
I have an autograph from Stan I got in 1991 that simply says "Beyond
tomorrow! Stan Ridgway" This was the tour before Partyball
was released, and you know, I have this (totally unsubstantiated)
sneaking suspicion that Beyond Tomorrow was supposed to be
the title of that album. Well, either that, or Stan was in a whimsical
mood. (Which I can vouch for. I caught him as he was sitting
in the balcony of the now-defunct San Jose club The Oasis, smokin' and
drinkin' and making fun of the opening band The Rebel
Pebblespresumably also defunct.)
I've heard a lot of information on Stan Ridgway, and I've heard a lot
of music. But I haven't heard it all.
If you have any leads on this information, or anything else that
might be interesting to readers of Beyond Tomorrow, please
don't hesitate to mail me at
larry@hastings.org. Thanks.
I'm still looking for the following:
- Exercise, the cassette-only bonus track for Call Of The West
- Dance Of Death, the Wall Of Voodoo bootleg
- a rumored Wall Of Voodoo appearance on The King Biscuit Flour Hour
The following lyrics still have "unclear" sections:
- Back Towards Diamond Bar
- Bel Air Blues
- Big American Problem
- Bing Can't Walk ('Cause Bob Broke Both His Legs)
- Crack The Bell
- Deep Inside We're Blue
- Foggy River
- Funzone
- Hear That Bird
- Highway Song
- My Drug Buddy
- Nadine
- Spy World
- Stormy Side Of Town
- Susie Before Sunrise
- The Last Honest Man (the alternate live lyrics for the second stanza)
- Time Wave Zero
anything else?
I take submissions here at Beyond Tomorrow, and I'll give
you credit for it. Fan stories for
old news stories or interviews for
if you think Stan fans would be interested in reading it (or hearing it!),
send it on in!
When I put out the call, the help started pouring in. Already I've
got a list of people to thank:
Adrian Oates
steering me towards a copy of Fly On The Wall for eight bucks!
It's shown up, and information from it will start filtering out onto
the site over the next couple of months.
Thanks, Adrian!
Craig Sonneschein
suggestions on unclear lyrics.
Thanks, Craig!
John Trivisonno
sending in the complete "aside" to The Big Heat and
suggestions on unclear lyrics.
Thanks, John!
Plus, thanks to Clark Price, John LeTourneau,
and Ms. Viexudo for linking to me from their Stan/WOV pages.
Thanks, guys!
This site was done without the authorization or consent of Stan Ridgway
or any of his record labels. Lyrics reprinted without permission.
All copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
(Which strikes me as a tautology, but I think it helps, legally speaking.)
All text and images internally on this web site are Copyright 1998
by Larry Hastings, except where otherwise noted.